Saturday, October 25, 2008


I hate to say it but I love politics and I will talk politics with anybody who is willing to carry on a sensible discussion about the issues at hand. What will not do is get into a shouting match with an uninformed moroon that only whats to spout the talking points they got from watching the national news.

The facts are

1. Pro life is exactly what it says PRO LIFE no discussion needed
2 Pro Choice is simply choosing death because if you don't choose life you choose death

3 Lowering taxes actually does cause more money to be collected by the feds. How you ask it's because it promotes economic growth which in turn promotes more jobs which ironicallhy promotes MORE TAX PAYERS.

4 Bigger isn't always better. Fed budget nuff said.

Wow you may say im a single issue person but actually it boils down to a couple. On abortion someday we will all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and I don't want to be asked why I didn't stand up for those that had no voice. The rest is a question of morality and our present tax code is immoral

I have come to conclusion the the Fed Govt oould cut 10-15% from it's entire budget minus the military and it wouldn't effect any of the benefits that citizens collect. The only thing needed would be to cut wasted labor and waste. It is time that govt does what all households must do it needs to get leaner and meaner and cut the waste the FED govt should layoff a huge number of crappy no good leaches that can't handle a job in the private sector were you are judged on the fruits of your labor not the years you put in.

It's time to take back America we need to remember why the founders left England.

WAKE UP and Take Back America

I'm out