Yep I did, I told a nurse in the recovery room to shutup...The rest of the story is this I was waking up from the surgery and my head said "hey get comfy roll over and go back to sleep" but they didn't want me to and I wasn't awake enough to know what was going on and I told the nurse to shutup when he told me I couldn't roll over. The surgery only took about in hour and fifteen minutes and they had already started the trip to take me upstairs when they went and got Tracy my first recolection of time would be about 11 am (4hrs of time I don't remember 7am - 11am). Tracy came up to the room and we settled in I was able to get myself into the bed with very little help from the nurses. I told them not to touch my leg since if they move it and made my hip hurt I would get mad at them if I made it hurt I could only blame myself it was a simple system and it worked great. I was suprised at how good I felt especially when you consider I just had the bones in my upper leg romoved and replaced. The pain meds made me a little loopy and I was on an IV. I musunderstood the Dr as I thought I would be required to go to physical therapy on the same day as surgery and I was fired up and ready cause I was going to pass it and go home. No such luck no therapy till Friday (next day).
Next day I came to the conclusion that the pain meds SUCK and make you feel really crappy and cause you to have really freaky dreams (Cops episodes starring me as the guy getting handcuffed) anyway they came up early and got me for physical therapy which I aced and then aced again in the afternoon (there was no way I was going to fail it). I got the ok to go home about 3:30pm that day and Tracy and I whelled out of there at 5pm so only a 36hr stay for a hip replacement thats gotta be a record.
Now im gonna skip all the stuff about being home except to tell you I got off all pain meds a week after the surgery, drove the van 8 days after surgery and drove my truck 9 days after surgery (clutch gave me problems) Tracy wasn't thrilled about the last two things but I hate being stuck at home. I went back to work 3 weeks after surgery and did a lite work week but the next week I prettymuch went right back at it. If I had known then what I know now about the surgery I wouldn't have even considered putting it off. I can now destroy my right hip since I have a solid left hip but to be honest my right hip has improved since the left was replaced. Just an FYI I am not normal and the normal recovery time is more like 6 weeks im just not very bright and could have really injured and damaged my hip.
Who freaking cares?
6 years ago