Sunday, November 2, 2008

Are you voting for someone or something?

I read Derry Prenkerts blog to try and figure out whats up with my kids at NMC since he along with the staff really challange the kids and help them to get out of their comfort zone in a safeway. Derry posted earlier this week about the elections and it got me to thinking. Am I voting for something or am I simply voting against that same thing?

I will admit my vote was not a vote for John McCain (warning to libs I have broad shoulders and I am PRO gun so leave me alone) it was a vote against Sen Barrack Obama but not only was it a vote against Sen Obama it was a vote FOR Sarah Palin because of her stands on Life, Family, Energy Independence and Gun ownership (Joe Biden is a doofus and not worth commenting on).

If your vote for a specific canditate is really a vote against what his opponent is for and your candidate wins are you going to stop there or will you pursue what you stand for? I will give you a great example, abortion is a horrible scurge that is legal in our society and Sen Obama is as anti life as I have ever seen in a candidate for President if when he loses and John McCain wins will you sit there and gloat or will you help promote life by getting involved in some way?

I know the previous paragraph may be hard to follow but if you are for something don't think that Washington can fix all the problems in the country. I beleive that many of the issues at hand today are because the churh has gotten comfortable and sat on our hands and has allowed politicians to do what we should have been doing all along. I could go on and on but I have a splitting headache and I don't want to think so...

nuff said

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