Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Off work 6-8 weeks:highlights of a summer hip replacement

So I have my surgery scheduled and I have to go to the hospital for whats called a "joint class" now my older brother was willing to teach me all he knows about joints but that would get me busted for posession so I opted to go of to St Joe med center for the correct class. While sitting in this class I realized im surrounded by people that could have grown up with my 84yr old gramma, surely they must have thought I was there to help somebody. The funny thing was that everybody in this class had a limp of some sort but I could have won any type of footraceor track and field event I know of, this again made me rethink having the surgery. I worked the day before sugery had a good meal then didn't eat again until after the surgery.

Thursday June 19 Tracy and I cruise into the hospital at about 5am and im first in line for surgery. I get changed into the lovely hospital attire and lay in a bed and just start to worry. The Dr comes in and rights a big NO on my right hip and puts his initials on my left so he doesn't make a mistake, hmmm left hip parts in a right hip, don't think it would work. Ok back to my story they started the IV and gave me some sort of antibiotic and it made me feel like I had poison ivy on my face it itched and Tracy said I looked flushed. Nurse looks in and says "oh you have redface syndrome" I said "yeah and I have bumps on my face". She proceeded to apologize for it saying the rate was to high on the IV and she got me some benydryl to be placed in the IV. I AM NOW A BIG FAN OF benedryl took the edge off my nerves instantly...oh yeah the itch went away also. At about 7:15am I kissed Tracy good bye shook Pastor Norms hand (he came up to pray with us at about 6 AM) and thats the last thing I rember until...

stay tuned

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