Sunday, October 26, 2008

I voted early cuz I was mad

Yeah I admit it I went down to the courthouse to vote early. I have to admit I do feel better knowing my vote is already been cast. Now you might say that I could be the victim of voter fraud or somthing like it but in all honesty I wasn't totally sure if I was going to be free on Nov 4 anyway so I just took care of the problem.
I also will not sit and watch the returns because it will most likely have me so pissed off that I won't be able to sleep I will just wait and see who wins when I listen to the morning news.

nuff said


Rhonda Schrock said...

This cracks me up. You write just like you talk!

(rescueisnotamyth) said...

But that wasn't your whole reason for voting early. You just wanted to be goofy and see if you could set off the metal detector. Man, it'll reallly suck to fly with you.

<3 ya. :D