Have you ever felt that your walking right with God and you think you feel his closeness then all of a sudden....BAM! Well in the past week I have learned that a very dear friend was diagnosed with cancer and that a loved one my still be hurting themself.
The friend with cancer has embrassed the Lord with all her might and it's in inspirational festival of tears to read her triumphs and defeats. The second just pounded me straight into the ground to the point I couldn't sleep on Sunday night I wandered the house trying to find the Holy Spirit I tried praying through by going into all the downstairs room asking God to bless our times in those rooms. I cried out asking God to show me how to lead when I prefer to be in the background. I can't understand the desperation a person must feel to get to the point of injuring themselves. I just pray that they will forget what others think and just cry out to Jesus to come right along side them. I'm praying that this person is on the verge of a huge blessing from Christ and this is the reason that they have been attacked with Satans lies. The devil is the father of lies and he will wiggle his way into your life any way he can.
Who freaking cares?
6 years ago
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