Saturday, December 25, 2010

60 Days of Beauty Day 24

I am skipping a couple days not because I can't find beauty but because this is a difficult thing to do and I don't want my days to become superficial just to say I found beauty.

Christmas Eve service at NMC is one of the highlights of the Christmas season for me it really helps me get a laser like focus for the next day and helps the season come full circle. This years service was no exception from the singing of carols to special music and scripture reading it just reminded me that there was not only the death and resurrection but the birth and coming to earth as a human as well it was totally a Christ centered evening filled with emotion and the Spirit.

Well done NMC family!!

1 comment:

Rhonda Schrock said...

Amen. And I took a break so I could actually experience beauty with my family. I understand.