Days 14, 15, 16 are a compilation of days because I am not sure if it's a sign of maturity on our part or desperation but it's people coming together to get a big job done.
Allow me to explain. Over the past several years the company I work for has downsized and is now at a level of employees that all of us are called upon to do some pretty intense things when the end of the month rolls around and sometimes this requires people swallowing their pride and working with people they don't get along with (not me of course I get along with everybody:) ). This week has been an extremely busy time because we make and sell musical instruments and dealers had promised their customers instruments that would be delivered on time to be given and Christmas presents and we had to complete a shipment of raw parts to be sent overseas it was a perfect storm in an odd sort of way.
So my days of beauty 14-16 was Wednesday thru Friday the Gemeinhardt employees coming together and getting the job done. To be honest days like this are like a drug when your in the middle of the mess you don't think you will get done and when your done you have a kind of euphoric feeling of wow we really did this.
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